Note that scratch the surface of the washing does not occur, to avoid the use of bleach-containing composition and abrasive cleaning liquid, steel balls, grinding tools, in order to remove the washing liquid, at the end of washing, rinsing the surface with clean water.
Surface state
Easy to get rid of dust and dirt
Soap, washing detergent or weak with warm water
Labels and foil
With warm, weak detergent to scrub the adhesive composition with alcohol or an organic solvent
Fats, oils, oil pollution
With a soft cloth or paper neutral washing detergent or ammonia solution or special washing to dry after use drugs
Bleaches as well as various acids attached
Rinse immediately with ammonia or soda solution soak carbonate, after washing with neutral detergent or warm water
Organic carbide attachment
Soak in a hot neutral detergent or ammonia solution is then washed with a detergent containing weak ground
With alcohol or organic solvents (diethyl ether, benzene), with a soft cloth and then washed with water
Rainbow pattern
Excessive use of detergent or oil caused by washing with warm water and mild detergent
Welding heat discoloration
With 10% nitric acid or hydrofluoric acid, ammonia or washing soda carbonate solution and then with light and handle, and then washed with water. Drugs may also be used for washing
Corrosion caused by surface contaminants
Washed with 10% nitric acid or abrasive detergents, drugs or the use of special washing